Terry Brown – LeaderImpact Director
Spiritual Climate:
The Czech Republic is considered one of the most atheistic countries in the world. A high percentage of Czechs would say they are atheists, agnostics, or simply indifferent to any religion. Their religious history follows a very difficult and complex relationship with the Catholic Church which goes back over 500 years to Jan Hus (a 15th Century Czech religious Reformer). This history, plus the years of Nazi occupation and the almost 40 years of communism have created a challenging spiritual climate.
On the Ground:
Terry and Lisa Brown have lived in Prague since 1995 . Terry directs Cru’s ministry to business and professional leaders, known in the Czech Republic and Prime-net. In spite of what one might expect from the spiritual climate in Czech, this ministry is exceptionally fruitful. Scores of people have come to Christ and are involved in helping reach out to leaders in the rest of Prague. Recently the first steps have been taken to begin reaching out to business leaders in 5 other cities. PrimeNet has built a solid ministry around the simple principles of Win, Build and Send and have demonstrated that even in the most difficult spiritual climate the Holy Spirit can and will still turn hearts toward Jesus.